
Archive for the ‘Misty Garden Scarf’ Category

Misty Garden I

Pattern: Misty Garden from Scarf Style
Yarn: Artful Yarns Portrait in Fazio’s Mistress (#114)
Needles: Size US 7 bamboo straight(!)
Start Date: November 29, 2006
End Date:December 3, 2006
Comments: First off, sorry for the blob picture. Winter light and mohair just don’t mix. 🙂 As for the scarf itself, I’m very pleased. I’m not normally one for the feather and fan lace pattern, but it just looks so pretty with a lightly variegated mohair. This scarf is a gift for someone and I do hope they like it. I didn’t make it my usual length (height of the person wearing it) as it seemed to be a dressier scarf. The total length is right around 60 inches and the width is 7 1/2 inches. The Artful Yarns Portrait was interesting to work with as it is slightly different than a lot of other mohair yarns. Instead of dying the center, core thread the same color as the mohair fluff, the thread is black. This creates a lot of depth when you see the scarf in person (as opposed to my less than good photo). I used right around a skein and a half.

Today I had hoped to announce the official finishing of Durrow, the sweater I’m knitting for Matt. Instead of working on my Tapestry scarf this weekend I decided to finish knitting the sweater. Unfortunately as I neared the end of it yesterday afternoon I hit a snag. I am knitting the front piece (the last piece I have left) and I got to the neck shaping. At that point I got lost. I’ve read and reread the instructions and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I’m sure I’m missing something really obvious, but I don’t know what. I’ve emailed the designer and I hope to hear back from her soon. Until I get some clarification I’m afraid his sweater is just going to be in a pitiful pile.

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How perfect to wake up on the first day of December to a beautiful snowy world! I couldn’t resist a picture of the Misty Garden scarf I just started with the snow in the background. Kilby had to be involved too. 🙂

So, November was busy with trying to balance workout time with knitting time, but I think I’ve got the hang of it now. Most of my November goals were met (just need to finish up a couple scarves for myself, no rush) so now it’s on to December in which I will try to knit some for others (and me!).

December Goals:
1) Misty Garden Scarf x2 (one for me or someone else and one definitely for someone else)
2) Stocking (for someone else)
3) Cedar Bark Socks in Sunshine Yarns Hungarian Horntail Dragon (for someone else)
4) Jingle Bell Rock Isosceles Socks (mine, all mine)
5) Interlocking Balloons Scarf (for someone else)
6) 2×2 Rib Pure Fall Socks – started in November (me me me)

The Yarntini Pure Fall socks are moving along. As you know, I started them in November, so no matter what, I’m ahead of schedule. 🙂 I plan on using the toe-up heel flap instructions in Sensational Knitted Socks and if it works it will open up a whole new world of toe-up socks! I’ll be done with the first heel soon. I may put off knitting the second sock for a little while to work on holiday gifts, but I don’t know. I hate not finishing a pair…

The other night I cast on for one of the Misty Garden Scarves (that’s the picture at the top of this entry) and it’s really knitting up quickly. I’m using Artful Yarns Portrait in Fazio’s Mistress. So far so good! This one’s a gift and I really hope the recipient likes the colors. (The close-up is a pretty good representation of the color – a variety of shades of pink as well as a hint of orange).

This weekend I plan on working on my Rowan Tapestry Yarn Harlot Scarf. I haven’t made too much progress so no picture today. Saturday night we’ll be at the opera, but other than that I’ll be knitting all weekend. 🙂

What’s everyone else going to do this weekend?

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