
Archive for the ‘Lace’ Category

For years I had been considering knitting the Charlotte’s Web shawl, but never could commit. Then I saw Turtlegirl76’s at Sock Summit and I (as well as some of the Chicago Group) all suddenly had to knit it.

After just a few days I’m already on the 3rd color. The pattern in the book Knits from a Painter’s Palette is not the easiest to follow, but with a little concentration I figured out what I needed to do. I’m usually a die hard chart knitter, but the chart in the book is frankly one of the hardest to read that I’ve ever seen so I’ve found following the written instructions for the 8 row repeat the best. I’m also using the chart provided by this blogger to keep track of rows and color changes (the excel file is on the right hand column of her blog).

I’m knitting the shawl with Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock in Lightweight. So far the colors I’ve used are Stonewash, Peaseblossom, and Never on Sunday. This project seems to move very quickly for lace as it’s so fun to see what the next set of colors will look like.

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