
Archive for the ‘Endpaper Mitts’ Category

Endpaper Mitts

Pattern: Endpaper Mitts by Eunny Jang
Yarn: Louet Gems Merino in Indigo (dark blue) and Neptune (lighter blue)
Needles: Bamboo dpns sizes US 0 and US 3
Start Date: February 2, 2007
End Date: February 10, 2007
Comments: First of all, these Mitts would have never ever been made in a million years if it hadn’t been for the fantastic (and free!) pattern from Eunny Jang. Overall, I have not been that into two-color knitting. The few projects I’ve done I rushed through because the process was not that pleasant. Well, I’m not rushing so much now. The pattern is so well written and simple and elegant and perfect. Thank you, Eunny!

So, the Gems Merino worked very well though it is a tad on the thinner side. The yarn is very soft and knit up with a nice give. The colors worked really well together and have a terrific contrast (colors are most true in the top picture). I plan on knitting the Anemoi Mittens sometime soon with some more Gems in the stash.

Overall, I am surprised at what I can do. I look at these mitts and I am very proud of them. Hooray for me!

Yesterday I started my first entrelac pattern. I’m using the basic pattern from Danica, but knitting it all in one yarn. The yarn is Patons SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) in Natural Green. I really like how the blocks are all knitting up in different colors. The pattern is simple enough for TV watching, but interesting enough to engage part of the brain. I have some family health stuff going on so I need a project that keeps whirring thoughts out of my head and this scarf works perfectly. This yarn is 70% Wool 30% Soy just like Rowan Tapestry. However, while the Tapestry yarn is DK, this stuff is a nice plump worsted weight so it knits up very quickly. It’s a little splitty, like the Tapestry, but the end result is so nice and soft I don’t mind.

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Duet Socks
Pattern: Modified from the pattern that came with the yarn (increased circumference to 60 stitches)
Yarn: A Swell Yarn Shop Duet Yarns in Sweet Valentine
Needles: Inox 2.5 mm
Start Date: January 31, 2007
End Date: February 7, 2007
Comments: Again I will toss out the word “love” to discuss some socks. I love these socks! Even after Angela from A Swell Yarn Shop (from whence the yarn comes) commented and told me I would have plenty of the solid color for my increased-sized heels I was unsure. Well, I ended up with about a yard leftover! That was cutting it close, but all’s well that ends well. I did have plenty of the variegated left and that was with knitting for my size 10 feet and a 7 inch leg. Nice!The yarn is squishy and lovely to knit. It’s taking a lot of will power to resist buying more…

These socks are so cute and happy. I think I will don them on Valentine’s Day for their inaugural wearing.

In other knitting project news, I have officially swatched (and washed the swatch) for my next big project –Pippa. This cardigan is going to take a while, I know, but I think it will be worth it. Unfortunately my swatch grew a little after it’s bath and I have to wait for some size 1’s to arrive. The yarn is Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino in Navy. Hopefully it does not turn my fingers blue like it did Claire’s…It’s so soft and it has such lovely stitch definition. Oh well, if I have to be a smurf, I have to be a smurf. 🙂

This weekend I plan on finishing up the second Endpaper Mitt. The first one is all done and ready to go – it just needs a mate. I’m surprised how much I’ve enjoyed two-color knitting with such tiny yarn. I think a lot of it has to do with how much I adore the finished product. (Yarn specs: Louet Gems Merino in Indigo and Neptune). If I get the Mitts done quickly enough I will also cast on for my Apple Laine socks. I’ve got a busy weekend ahead of me! How is everyone else going to spend the weekend?

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It’s a bit chilly here in Chicagoland. The weather people are predicting a high of 6. Yikes! Good thing I just started on a project that will keep me toasty warm. I present the first nearly completed Endpaper Mitt!

I’m knitting the mitts in Louet Gems Merino in the colors Indigo and Neptune on size 2.75mm needles. I can’t believe how quickly the tiny tiny yarn knits up into such a beautiful pattern. Eunny’s design is just perfect. That’s not a ladder running down the left side, but a tiny little purl seam. I’m hoping to finish this one today and have the pair done by next week.

I originally cast on using some Fleece Artist merino sock yarn in Moss and Louet Gems Merino in Champagne, but after I got a couple repeats in I pulled out the needles and cast on with the blues you see. Now I wish I hadn’t been so hasty as Matt saw the start of the other one and said it looked great….maybe I can pick up all the stitches…

Aside from the Endpaper Mitts (which I admit are absorbing most of my time) I’ve made some progress on my Duet Socks. The first sock is all done except for the heel and the second one is cruising along. I’m just going to do both heels at the end as I’m a little nervous about having enough yarn to do both (I increased the size a bit from what the pattern indicated).

I checked this weekend and A Swell Yarn Shop did have more of this terrific sock yarn back in stock, but who knows how long it will last. I really really really wanted to order another set (the Dylan colorway is so cute), but I’m resisting…at least until a little destash sale of mine is over on Ebay (shameless plug).

I swatched for my next sweater project. It’s a time consuming one. Tiny yarn, tiny needles, knit in pieces. Details soon. 🙂

Ack! Just got tagged by MLE for the 5 Secrets About Me meme.

Here you go:
1) I have to eat KitKats in layers (chocolate first then each individual wafer);
2) If I finish a book, I have to start the first chapter of the next one, even if it’s 2am;
3) The colder it is, the more I want ice cream (Saturday night when it was -3 we went to Ben and Jerry’s);
4) I knew I would marry Matt the night we first kissed; and
5) I went to law school on a whim – whoops!

I tag my fellow knitting Group Members (links for those that have blogs on the right hand side. Those that don’t you are welcome to just leave it in a comment): Adrienne, Liz, Kathy, Jen, Lynae, Tamara, and Claire. 🙂

Oh and Kim – Tag you are it too!

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